Windsor Sir  

Welcome to Windsor SIR Branch 176

The purpose of SIR (Sons In Retirement) is to provide retired or semi-retired men with opportunities for social interaction, camaraderie, and activities. SIR chapters typically organize various events, outings, and meetings where members can engage in recreational, educational, and community-oriented activities. Additionally, SIR often serves as a support network for its members, offering friendship and assistance during the transition into retirement and beyond.

Our branch serves the Town of Windsor area. We have our monthly meetings at noon on the third Wednesday of each month with a buffet luncheon. Each meeting features a speaker covering a subject of general interest to our members.  We also have a Ladies Day Barbecue in June and a Holiday Party in December where wives, partners and guests are invited and are most welcome. 

We have many activities such as golf, bowling, bocce, pool. travel, Tuesday morning coffee, and more. Our list of available activities and events is extensive, and many include guests. 

For  more information check the activities pages.

Come join us and be part of the fun --- and better yet, MAKE FRIENDS FOR LIFE. If you would like to join us at Coffee or one of our monthly luncheons and discover what we are all about, please call Gary Jensen at (707) 337-8380.


Annual dues are $20.00.
Half year dues for those joining July or later $10
No dues required for age 90 or older

 If you would like to join, download the application and submit it to Gary Jensen or Larry Doherty.

Be sure to watch the SIR video at for further information.  

Our Monthly Luncheons are at Charlie's Restaurant the 3rd Wednesday of the month at Noon 

Our Next Meeting March 19, 2025

Guest Speaker

Suzanne Clark

Garden Expert

Topic TBA

Webmaster Jim Tubb